On the matter of thoughts
I really believe we are what we think. Therefore, at one point in my life I decided I would make an effort to think positively and stop blaming others for the way my life is. Blame allowed other people to take control over my life and happiness when at the end of the day, I am the only one who can choose to be happy and act in ways that encourage happiness.
Some days, I don't follow this train of thought and some days I do. I've noticed that on the days when I've chosen to be happy (just because!) and refuse to allow any reasons to stop this from happening that I have the most wonderful days. I feel at peace and buoyant almost.
Remember that feeling when you were a child, happy and carefree? If you don't always feel that way, what has happened since then to cause you to stop feeling that way? Is it other people, events or is it you? Well I can say that it's option C (have you heard the rule - if in doubt choose C for exam questions?).
Make the choice to be happy. The world needs more happiness and life is too short to continue to be unhappy and not actively making an effort for your own sake.
If this has struck a chord with you then try the resources below. If it hasn't I challenge you read the first resource (30 minutes to read it max) and for a week to do what it says. They have made such a difference with me and I hope they do the same for you.
So now that you've got your thoughts straight it's time to just be what you want.
Good luck!